ZOLTEK ZRT, Nyergesujfalu, Hungary
7th International Exhibition Composite-Expo - 2014 Exhibitor
February 25 - 27, 2014 year / Pavilion 1, Hall 1, Crocus Expo, Moscow, Russia
Exhibitor information:
Our objective as a company is to lead the commercialization of carbon fiber as a primary composite building material. Carbon fiber reinforced composites are remarkable in their performance characteristics and properties that include high strength, low weight, high stiffness, corrosion resistance, heat resistance, and electrical conductivity. Carbon fiber has the ability to work with an assortment of different materials, including other fibers, plastics, metals, wood, and concrete. Zoltek has displayed remarkable versatility engineering solutions for the wind energy, automotive, oil & gas, infrastructure, sporting goods, and more. Zoltek produces 50K commercial grade carbon fiber PANEX 35 and oxidized fiber PYRON.
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