Composite Cluster of St. Petersburg, Saint-Petersburg, Russia
Exhibitor of the 15th International Exhibition Composite-Expo 2023
March 28 - 30, 2023 / Pavilion 1, Expocentre Fairgrounds, Moscow, Russia
Exhibitor information:
The Composite Cluster of St. Petersburg was formed by a decree of the Government of St. Petersburg in 2015 to provide the russian industry with innovative high-tech composite products.
Key enterprises:
1. JSC «Sredne-Nevsky Shipbuilding Plant» (as part of USC) – composite ships and vessels.
2. Attika LLC – chemical products.
3. Bi Pitron SP LLC – engineering company.
4. Vineta LLC – ship equipment, small vessels.
5. «VIC» LLC – equipment of ventilation systems.
6. «IPO «U-PETER» LLC – products for Russian Railways and subways.
7. «SPO» LLC – wear-resistant protective materials.
8. JSC «СTB «Sudocomposite» - project company.
9. «Stroy-resurse» LLC – polymer products.
10. «Rosizolit» LLC – electrical products.
11. Sintez LLC – pipeline systems.
12. «Polymer Technologies in Construction» LLC – wood-polymer products.
13. «Energokaskad» LLC – specialized construction.
14. «Management company «Composite cluster of St. Petersburg».
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