Volna CJSC, Belarus Republic
Exhibitor of the 15th International Exhibition Composite-Expo 2023
March 28 - 30, 2023 / Pavilion 1, Expocentre Fairgrounds, Moscow, Russia
Exhibitor information:
CJSC Volna is a modern company that has been repairing and modernizing industrial electrical equipment, automating and dispatching enterprises, technological processes and devices, manufacturing equipment for customers production purposes for more than 30 years.
The direction of the company's «Own production» includes the manufacture of industrial electric ovens, impregnation plants, autoclaves, test benches, installations for surfacing bodies of rotation and other equipment for industrial workshops.
The products developed by the specialists of CJSC Volna for equipping enterprises, which produce composite materials, have successfully passed the tests and are working at the enterprises of the Republic of Belarus and the Russian Federation. Information about autoclaves for composite materials, impregnation plants, drying ovens and other equipment can be obtained at the company's stand and on the website.
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