Qingyun Maoshengyuan Composite Material Co. Ltd., China
Exhibitor of the 16th International Exhibition Composite-Expo 2024
March 26 - 28, 2024 / Pavilion 1 (1st, 2nd floors) & 5, Expocentre Fairgrounds, Moscow, Russia
Exhibitor information:
Qingyun FRP products Co., LTD was founded in 1993.Through introduction of the world-wide most advanced pultrusion equipment and inspecting and testing instruments from America and the training of all staffs taken from the American experts and painstaking study and research, our company has been growing one of the most professional manufacturer specializing in manufacturing FRP pultrusion gratings and structural profiles with its large scale, advanced equipments and the most powerful technology.
As times change, economic development and the needs of the market, through the continuous efforts of all staff, to challenge themselves. At the same time, our company also developed glass steel into the hood, exhaust hood, a chimney type wind machine, glass steel heat insulation box, glass steel electric heating plate, glass steel trough, pultruded glass steel shutter, pig farm nursery bed made of glass steel frame and breeding cultivation greenhouse frame. The design pattern of major dome.
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