Advanced Polymer Materials R&D center, LLC, Moscow, Russia
Exhibitor of the 16th International Exhibition Composite-Expo 2024
March 26 - 28, 2024 / Pavilion 1 (1st, 2nd floors) & 5, Expocentre Fairgrounds, Moscow, Russia
Exhibitor information:
LLC R&D center "APM" is a developer of materials and technologies. We work in the field of polymer materials.
Our successful products:
SYNTERM foams - thermocompression foams for molding composites (active core)
Thermoplastic prepregs for ballistic and structural materials
FLEX - energy-absorbing foams
Epoxy adhesives
Binders based on epoxy and benzoxazine oligomers (including those with heat resistance above 200C)
Polyimide foams
Oil- and gasoline-resistant welded fabric film materials
Carbonskin - artificial leather based on carbon fiber
Fabric-film materials with special properties.
We carry out the development of materials to order (R&D), offer the production of our products under license, provide technological support for your production.
If you don't have a R&D department, then we can replace it. We discuss your ideas, conduct scientific and technical analysis (including patent research), and produce prototype samples.
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