Urals Scientific Research Institute of Composite Materials JSC, Perm, Russia
Exhibitor of the 16th International Exhibition Composite-Expo 2024
March 26 - 28, 2024 / Pavilion 1 (1st, 2nd floors) & 5, Expocentre Fairgrounds, Moscow, Russia
Exhibitor information:
JSC "UNIIKM" is a leading research and production enterprise specializing in the research and manufacturing of products for military and civilian usage based on high-temperature carbon-carbon and polymer composite materials.
Unique specialized equipment and professional competence of specialists help provide a full cycle of work on the production of high-tech competitive products for rocket and space, aviation, chemical, oil and nuclear industries.
The unique characteristics of our products make it possible to work in extreme conditions: at high temperatures, under heavy loads and pressures, as well as in aggressive environments.
The company has implemented and successfully operates a quality management system in accordance with the requirements of GOST ISO 9001.
On the exhibition stand UNIIKM specialists will present their innovations - own-produced components for vacuum resistance furnaces, flexible and fiberglass heaters and diamond abrasive tools.
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